By Ben Handcock, Executive Vice President
The Wheat Quality Council (WQC)
held its annual meeting, forum and technical review sessions
February 15-17, 2011 at the KCI Embassy Suites Hotel in Kansas City,
MO with over 140 industry participants in attendance.
The WQC is the only industry-wide
organization that brings together all wheat interests from breeders
and producers to millers, processors and bakers. These participants
are provided information on the milling and baking qualities of
wheat varieties that will be released, grown and processed in the
next few years.
The wheat breeders have an
opportunity to network with the industry to determine what quality
characteristics the millers and bakers would like to see in new
wheat varieties.
The meeting began with the WQC
Board of Trustees meeting on Tuesday, February 16. Following
discussions on financial, membership and budget reports, the annual
election was held. The following people will serve on the WQC
governing board for 2010: Brad Seabourn,USDA/ARS/CGHAR-Chair; Glen
Weaver, ConAgra-Vice Chair; Hayden Wands, Sara Lee-Past Chair; Brian
Walker, Horizon Milling-Executive Committee; Jackie Rudd, TX Wheat
Producers-Executive Committee; Neal Fisher, ND Wheat
Commission-Executive Committee; plus Tim Aschbrenner, Cereal Food
Processors; Steve Schorn, DSM Food Specialties; C.J. Lin, Mennel
Milling; Len Heflich, BIMBO; Kara Hobart, General Mills; Greg Konsor,
Gavilon; Monte White, Research Products; Cathy Butti,
AgriPro-Syngenta; Justin Gilpin, KS Wheat Commission; Sid Perry,
WestBred-Monsanto, Ed Souza, ARS Soft Wheat Lab; Sherri Lehman,
North American Millers Association; and Ron Lindgren, ADM.
Drew Lerner, World
Weather Inc - International Wheat Weather Outlook for 2011.
Ankush Bhandari, Gavilon -
Global and US Grain Outlook & Gavilon’s Grain Footprint.
Forrest Chumley, Heartland
Plant Innovations - Everything Old is New Again: Using Wheat
Doubled Haploid Lines to Accelerate Wheat Improvement.
Jim Peterson, Limagrain Cereal
Seeds, - Limagrain Cereal Seeds: Introduction and Update.
William Wilson, NDSU-Challenges
and Opportunities in Development of GM Wheat.
The keynote dinner speaker was
Jeffrey Smyth, Database Analysts Ltd. Mr. Smyth talked about the
Japanese View of GM Wheat and the difficulties we face in
introducing these wheats into the Japanese Market. His comments
generated a lot of discussion among the participants at the meeting.
Reporters from Milling and Baking
News and the High Plains Journal covered the presentations. I would
expect to see some coverage in an upcoming issue, so watch for that.
We thank them for their willingness to cover our conference each
Forty-five breeder-submitted lines
and checks were entered for evaluation from the 2010 growing
season. These lines were hard spring, soft winter and hard winter
In the Hard Springs:
All lines were compared to the
excellent “Glenn” check.
WestBred/Monsanto: Entered
three lines in the trials this year. They had two hard reds and one
hard white. None have been released yet. All three are very strong,
but the two reds are lower protein which may keep some farmers from
trying them.
World Wide Wheat: Entered
two lines that were pretty well liked by the cooperators. Intent to
release is unknown.
University of Minnesota:
Entered one line with high scab resistance and strong straw
strength. It will be named “Rollag.”
South Dakota State University:
Entered one line that looked pretty good, but likely will not be
released due to bacterial leaf disease infections.
North Dakota State University:
Entered five lines. Two are hard red Clearfield lines and one
has been released (ND901CL Plus); is targeted for the western areas.
ND905CL Plus is a high protein line and is in pre-release. ND811 is
a red in pre-release, has a good disease package and will be
targeted for western ND to raise quality. NDSW612 is a hard white
with good protein and may be released in 2012. ND808 is a hard red
and has been recommended for release as a replacement for “Faller”
in eastern ND.
In the Eastern Soft Winters:
Cornell University:
Entered one soft white wheat line named “Saranac” that is similar in
quality to “Caledonia” but much more scab resistant. A soft red line
with a good disease package and good yields has not been named yet.
AgriPro-Syngenta: Had
three soft reds in the trials this year. “Arcadia” is best adapted
to the deep South and East coast areas. SY 9978 has good resistance
to powdery mildew, Hessian fly and Stripe rust. “Oakes” has also
shown moderate resistance to Stripe rust and is a couple days
earlier in heading than “Beretta.
Michigan State University:
MSU entered two soft white lines this year. “Jupiter” has
exceptional grain yield, short stature and lacks the full length
awns of most MSU varieties. ES024 has good grain yield, and has good
resistance to powdery mildew and fusarium head blight. It also shows
improved performance against pre-harvest sprouting.
The University of Georgia:
Entered USG 3120, a soft red with excellent resistance to Hessian
fly and Stripe rust.
In the Hard Winters:
Colorado State University:
Had three entries. All were rated equal to or above the good
check-“Hatcher.” All are hard reds, with CO050303-2 and CO06424
being conventional types and CO06052 being a two-gene Clearfield
type. This set of line was liked by all the cooperators and earned
breeder Scott Haley the Millers award this year.
Oklahoma State University:
Has released “Ruby Lee,” a red wheat for grain production that is
similar in quality to the good check-“Billings.” They have also
released “Garrison,” which is similar to “Endurance,” but with a
much improved disease package. OK07231 may be released in 2011 as a
dual purpose variety.
Montana State University:
Entered one hard red line. “Bear Paw” has been released as a
replacement for “Rampart.” It is a solid stemmed sawfly resistant
variety, which is important in Montana. It does not appear to be
winter hardy enough for eastern Montana or western North Dakota.
WestBred/Monsanto: Entered
one hard red, HV9W06-262R, that will not be released. There has been
no decision on its hard white line, HV9W06-218W, but if released it
will have to stay west due to its lack of resistance to scab and
head sprouting.
Texas A&M-Amarillo: Entered
two hard red lines from the TAM program. They will not release
TX05A001822. TX06A001263 will be released in 2011 and has a good
yield plus resistance to leaf, stripe and stem rust. Both were
compared to the good check-“TAM 111.”
University of Nebraska: Entered two red
lines. One has a good disease package and performs well in western
Nebraska. The other also has a good disease package and performs
well southern and west central Nebraska. Both were compared to the
good check-“Millennium”.
South Dakota State University: Entered
two hard reds this year. SD05118-1 is a white chaff line carries a
gene for resistance to pre-harvest sprouting and has excellent
resistance to scab plus some resistance to Hessian fly. SD06158 is a
shorter semi-dwarf type with high test weight. It will possibly be
released in 2011. Both were compared to the good check-“Lyman.”
A total of 37 cooperators
from across the United States evaluated our lines from 2010. This
is a huge investment of money, time and effort on their part. They
are truly dedicated to our program and deserve our sincere thanks
and gratitude for their participation.
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