Download the presentations given at the 2013 Annual Meeting
WHEAT QUALITY COUNCIL 2013 ANNUAL MEETING SUMMARY Download the full Annual Meeting Summary here...
By Ben Handcock, Executive Vice President
Before I get into the annual meeting, I would like to point out some things that happened in 2012 that were sorely needed in support of the work done by the Wheat Quality Council.
We have recently experienced much difficulty in getting our hard wheat samples milled successfully and in a timely fashion. This past year, we attempted to remedy that problem by putting together a milling task force to work at the MIAG mill at KSU. This remedy was initially proposed by our TWIT (Technical Wheat Investment Team) committee.
In June, we invited several people to come to Manhattan and receive training on the MIAG. This effort was led by ConAgra and Horizon Milling who volunteered trained and successful millers to help teach our usual people how to best use and maintain the mill.
The folks involved came from the NCI in Fargo, the ARS Wheat Quality Labs in Pullman, Wooster and Manhattan, the KSU team plus the two industry millers. This proved to be a huge success.
The ARS Lab in Fargo is rebuilding their MIAG and we plan to have a similar contingent go to Fargo as soon as the mill is totally functional. We will then have people cross trained to operate both mills should there ever be a problem with either mill or the personnel at either place. We may also be lending resources and support to the ARS mill in Wooster, OH in the near future. This mill also seems in need of some repairs and upgrades.
Kansas State University milled both the hard winter and hard spring wheat last year with help from some of the people involved in the task force. Never in my 21 years have I experienced this level of cooperation between entities across the milling spectrum. I think we can all be proud of the way people stepped up to the plate to make our program more successful. A huge Thank You to all who made this happen.
The Wheat Quality Council (WQC) held its annual meeting, forum and technical review sessions February 12-14, 2013 at the KCI Embassy Suites Hotel in Kansas City, MO with a record 165 industry participants in attendance.
The WQC is the only industry-wide organization that brings together all wheat interests from breeders and producers to millers, processors and bakers. These participants are provided information on the milling and baking qualities of wheat varieties that will be released, grown and processed in the next few years.
The wheat breeders have an opportunity to network with the industry to determine what quality characteristics the millers and bakers would like to see in new wheat varieties.
The meeting began with the WQC Board of Trustees meeting on Tuesday, February 12. Following discussions on financial, membership and budget reports, the annual election was held. The following people will serve on the WQC governing board for 2013: Neal Fisher, ND Wheat Commission-Chair; Len Heflich, BIMBO-Vice Chair; Glen Weaver, ConAgra-Past Chair; Monte White, Research Products-Executive Committee; Jackie Rudd, TX Wheat Producers-Executive Committee; Sherri Lehman, NAMA-Executive Committee; plus Terry Selleck, Bay State Milling; Bob Sombke, ND Mill; C.J. Lin, Mennel Milling; Lori Wilson, Kellogg CO; Kara Hobart, General Mills; Ron Hobbs, ADM Milling; Ron Lindgren, Foss North America; Cathy Butti, AgriPro-Syngenta; Justin Gilpin, KS Wheat Commission; Sid Perry, WestBred-Monsanto, Greg Konsor, Gavilon; Carl Griffey, VA Tech: Rich Horsley, NDSU and Lee Sanders, American Bakers Association.
Download the full Annual Meeting Summary here...
Upcoming Events
Wheat Tours - 2013 Wheat Tour Invitation
- Hard winter tour Dates are April 29-May 2, 2013
- Hard Spring and Durum Tour Dates are July 22-25, 2013
2014 Annual Meeting
February 18-20 at the Embassy Suites, Kansas City, MO